Nature Sound Therapy

I have an exquisite 7 string Sounding Bowl hand crafted by Tobias Kaye of Sounding Bowls in the UK.

My bowl’s name is Harmony, and together we do one-on-one and group Nature Sound Therapy sessions, guided meditations and visualisations in Nature. She is one of only 2 Sounding Bowls in South Africa.

“Sound will be the medicine of the future.”

– Edgar Cayce

Meet Harmony

Harmony is made from a fallen limb of a famous 250 year old Sycamore tree at Hawkwood Centre For Future Thinking in the UK. 

Still alive, she has a natural spring emerging from between her roots. She has been danced around, sat under, prayed to, participated in ceremonies, and bestowed with gifts for many generations. 

A Sycamore tree symbolizes strength, protection, eternity, and divinity. This loving essence, together with the water energy from her spring, pours out through Harmony’s gentle music, enveloping all who hear her in a warm maternal embrace.  

I was deeply touched by a photo of Tobias, Sounding Bowl creator, introducing another bowl he’d made to this sacred Mother tree. On ordering Harmony, I asked that she be shown to her Mother tree before being shipped out to South Africa.

Tobias describes the special reunion:

“I took your bowl to visit the Sycamore tree at Hawkwood on Friday. There is always a happy atmosphere when that tree re-meets her bowls. The tree opened up her Christ point, the balance place between the light/formation beings and the strength/uplifting-substance beings, in delight to see her song renewed in your bowl. I was accompanied by three others. Each of these has particular sacred skills. We noted the tree, her magnificence, her contribution and her longevity. Then I played to her. While I walked three times around her playing, the others accompanied part of this and held the space. I also took your bowl deep under the canopy and held her against the bark while I played. A thrill passed through the tree and the bowl’s music became more bright.”

What a privilege it is to play Harmony and be the conduit of her sacred sounds – sounds carrying divine love, wisdom and messages of the ages.

Harmony, together with Tobias, her creator, reuniting with her Mother Sycamore Tree.

The Power of Sounding Bowls

Sounding Bowls, hand-sculpted wooden musical instruments, first appeared to Tobias Kaye during an evening meditation in 1986. Unexpected and simple, the image was nothing more than a wooden bowl with a string inside. Tobias has lovingly expanded this vision into what Sounding Bowls are today.

Listening to a Sounding Bowl encourages a person to go within and to the centre of their own heart. The purity and beauty of these gentle sounds leads to a feeling of calm and relaxation, reducing stress, anxiety and depression, clearing the mind, balancing energy, and towards joy and a renewed sense of self and purpose.

Providing a unique form of sound therapy, Sounding Bowls are used in hospices, for palliative care, with dementia patients and in healing centres across the world.

NNA News reported on a sound therapist using a Sounding Bowl in a neo-natal intensive care resuscitation unit in France: “The therapist takes the Sounding Bowl and places it against the incubator so the sound and vibration run right through to the baby inside and starts to play. As the sound of the bowl echoes into their world, staff watch as the breathing of the infant deepens, then strengthens and the heartbeat steadies on the monitor screen. With clearly visible signs of tension leaving the baby, the staff relax.

Says Tobias, “Sounding bowls are a symbol of hope for the healing of all hearts. They touch people like nothing else. Each bowl, created through expert craftsmanship, emits an extraordinary harmonic resonance, initiating healing in places we had forgotten possible. There is a magic in Sounding Bowls that is partly the tree speaking through. In the sound of a Sounding Bowl, the harmony of Being found in the life processes and the nature of a tree lives again. The deep nature of this process is echoed in the way that people find their own peace reflected to them within a Sounding Bowl.”

What is Sound Therapy?

Everything is energy and everything is vibrating at different speeds and frequencies, including ourselves.

Sound frequencies impact this vibration and therefore how we feel. Sound therapy is the application of gentle and harmonious sound frequencies to the body and mind of a person, with the intention of bringing them into a state of harmony and well-being.

Sound therapy works on the principles that different emotions vibrate at different levels, and that blocked, or unexpressed emotions, are the main source of dis-ease. When there are blocks or stagnation in the body and mind, there is dissonance and a lack of coherence. Sound therapy helps to attune our bodies and our space to a more optimal frequency, improving our own natural flow of resonance to support well-being and return to a centred place of inner stillness.

Sound Therapy With a Tree

The unique sound therapy I offer combines Nature Therapy and Sound Therapy – playing the Sounding Bowl out in Nature. Using natural music instruments helps us to connect more directly with the Earth – returning to simplicity.

An extra special Nature Sound Therapy is experienced when playing the Sounding Bowl with a tree, where, instead of only a piece of it being used like in a musical instrument, the whole tree is used. Working in alliance with the tree as a fully whole, living being.

Because of my passion for Baobab trees,  most often Baobab trees are used. They are regarded as the world’s largest succulent, with about 70% of the trunk being water. This high volume of water makes their wood light and porous, the perfect conduit for the sacred sound of the Sounding Bowl to vibrate through. But of course, any tree can be used too …

A person either sits with their back to the tree, lies on a branch, or sits within the cavern of a hollow mature Baobab. Because of the special tone and resonance of the sound bowl, when it is played, it reverberates through the being of the tree. The whole tree acts as a live sound bed (a music table a person lies on while the therapist plays on 50 to 60 strings attached under it). The living tree is naturally tuned to generate the primary sound of creation. The sound is felt through the tree, directly penetrating the cells of the body, opening the heart, harmonizing and releasing energy blockages and traumas.

Sitting in the bush playing Harmony one day, I was mesmerized by how different the bowl sounded out in Nature. The tones were crisper, clearer, with a stronger resonance, and seemed even more harmonic. The trees quickly told me it was because the energy of the surrounding trees gets directed into the centre of the bowl, and then bounces back out on the sound vibrations, enhancing the sound. The energy of all of Nature and the Cosmos is also drawn in and sent back out as a higher vibration, healing the Earth and all around. How amazing is that!

Sound healings and activations on Mother Earth and at sacred sites are also conducted and work in the same way.

To enquire about or book a Nature Sound Therapy session, contact Lynette …

What people say...

Breath-taking and such a beautiful song! I am so happy this has found its home with you! We can hear your songs within the roots and within the branches, sweetly awakening us all. So lovely and deeply touching, as you played, I could feel the sacred space awakening. So beautiful, thank you for sharing this sweet medicine. A.L.

What people say...

Looking at Harmony makes my heart skip a beat.   A.I.

What people say...

Lynette … Wow that is a special instrument …  it will call all to open up at each moment … the sounds are to me pure bliss … Thank you, Lynette, for your music as it touched the strings of my heart … it’s a divine sound right from the start … you send a lovely message out there by far.   R.W.

What people say...

The vibration is a powerful part of the effect. Sound and vibes together make a big difference. Music therapists working in hospitals etc. make sure, as often as possible, that the client can feel as well as hear the Sounding Bowls. Y.K.

What people say...

This is all so magical, lyrical, and beautiful Lynette! I’m so glad you now have your sounding bowl – what a gift you are, and will be, to all of your surroundings, when you are in harmony with it. I can’t wait to hear more.   L.E.

What people say...

Thank you for this! Love seeing a sound frequency healing practitioner in action! Thank you to the Baobab and it’s magical service, particularly with it holding so much water, a perfect conduit for sacred sounds!   J.S.

What people say...

Beautiful bowl, beautiful harmony, beautiful sound. Welcome home, welcome creation and to creation in nature and form. Sound, bowl, tree, Lynette, creation, life, joy.   A.S.

What people say...

As I closed my eyes when you played, I felt like I was hearing individual raindrops in mid-air. I felt so connected as I shared in your joy. With the first strum, I started to chant, as you continued and started to strum again, I was singing my chant. I don’t control my priestess chants, they just come out when the Holy Spirit is ready to speak through me. I’ve never sang them before!! The chant just faded into song. I was moved to tears by this. Thank you so very much for allowing me to share in this. Many blessings to you my love.   L.Y.B.

What people say...

May you both be blessed in your divine work. The Sounding Bowls contain renewed life of the trees they were originally birthed by and infused with cosmic energies.   A.A.